T2410 1M Pixel 24 Gpx/s

The T2410 is a full frame 1M Pixel camera with 24,270 fps native frame rate

The Phantom T2410 is the next evolution of the T-Series platform. It delivers the power of our back side Illuminated sensor technology with data throughput at 24 Gpx/sec. The compact, easy-to-use platform is perfect for light-starved industrial and scientific applications.



High-Speed 1M Pixel Camera

  • 1280 x 800 pixel proprietary sensor
  • Advanced triggering, up to 256GB internal RAM
  • Frame rates from 100 to 525,000 M fps
  • Interchangeable lens mounts (Nikon F, G, PL, C, Canon EOS)
  • Sensor binning for higher sensitivity, higher speed (monochrome output only)
  • Monochrome or colour sensors

The Phantom T2410 is a 24 Gpx/s throughput camera ideal for material research, industrial product testing and high-speed motion analysis. The T-Series platform is designed to perform in imaging techniques like digital image correlation and when using advanced optics. The custom BSI sensor delivers fast exposures, and with a quantum efficiency rating of 80.3% (QExFF mono) has ability to shoot in environments with limited supplemental light. Binned mode combines pixels 2X2 – this is a key feature for increased vertical resolution at the camera’s top frame rates. Binning is available on mono and color cameras; however, the output will switch to mono when used on a color camera.

The T2410 includes premium features to enable a variety of applications including:

  • EDR (Extreme Dynamic Range) provides flash mitigation for ballistic studies by dynamically adjusting exposure in saturated areas of the image.
  • Programmable I/O to interface with DAQ systems and a variety of measurement sensors, which can be recorded and viewed as metadata in Cine files.
  • Remote, standalone operation is achieved by using the on-camera controls, video monitor and CineMag.


Sensor Proprietary 1280 x 800 pixel BSI CMOS

EMVA 1288 measurements at 532nm

Dynamic Range 52-55.9 dB
Integration Time Down to 190 ns (FAST option)
Frame Rate
  • 24,270 @ 1280 x 800 (Standard mode)
  • 30,310 @ 1280 x 640 (Standard mode)
  • 100,000 @ 640 x 384 (Standard binned mode)
  • 525,000 @ 640 x 64 (HS binned mode)
  • (other speeds and resolutions available, please see datasheet)
Pixel Size 18.5 µm, 37µm binned mode
Standard Mode
  • Quantum Efficiency: 80.3% mono; 76.0% color
  • Max. SNR: 39.8 dB
  • AST (p) 29.7 mono; 36.0 color
  • Saturation Capacity (e-): 9469 mono; 10344 color
  • Temporal Dark Noise: 23.34 e-
Binned Mode
  • Quantum Efficiency: 74.1%
  • Max. SNR: 45.5 dB
  • AST (p) 77.2
  • Saturation Capacity (e-): 35581
  • Temporal Dark Noise: 56.6 e-
Internal Memory 64GB, 128GB, 256GB
Sensor Cooling TE Cooled
Max record time 4.5 sec at full resolution, max memory
  • Programmable trigger location (pre/post trigger recording)
  • Image-Based Auto-Trigger
  • Trigger from software
  • Hardware trigger BNC
  • High Voltage (HV) trigger compatible
  • 1.1 µs minimum exposure standard, 190 ns minimum exposure with FAST option (export controlled)
  • Global electronic shutter
  • Extreme Dynamic Range (EDR)
  • Auto Exposure
  • Exposure Index (E.I.) for controlling apparent ISO
  • Shutter Off mode for PIV
 Image Time Stamp
  • IRIG in/out (modulated and unmodulated)
  • GPS
  • Dedicated Trigger, Timecode In ports
  • Dedicated Remote port for RS232
  • Dedicated Range Data
  • 3 Programmable I/O ports includes adjustable (assign and define) signals including:
    • F-sync
    • strobe
    • event
    • trigger output
    • ready and more
Shutter Internal mechanical shutter for simple current session reference
  • Timing resolution < 20ns
  • Frame synchronization to internal or external clock (FSYNC)
Standard Video Output
  • 2X 3G HD-SDI ports
  • Micro-HDMI
  • Supports up to 1080p60
Lens Interface Nikon F, C, PL or Canon EOS
Camera Control
  • Phantom Camera Control (PCC)
  • SDK available
Data Acquisition National Instruments M- and X-Series DAQ modules with integrated support in PCC


Fluid dynamics
High-speed machining
Ballistic impacts
Additive Manufacturing
Explosion dynamics


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