Edinburgh Instruments
Edinburgh Instruments are the leaders in the design and manufacture of fluorescence spectrometers and spectrophotometers.
They manufacture steady-state, time-resolved fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime spectrometers. Based on single-photon counting techniques, the products are designed to meet the highest level of technical performance and reliability.
The modular construction of the spectrometers enables systems to be flexibly configured to meet the individual needs of the researcher. The company also offers a turn-key Laser Flash Photolysis spectrometer. This spectrometer has been designed to measure laser-induced transient absorption and emission kinetics and the associated transient spectra. The spectrometer can be supplied with PMT based detection or near IR detector for transient studies or with an array detector for simultaneous multiple wavelength acquisition.
Edinburgh Instruments recently introduced a dual-beam UV-VIS spectrometer, the DS5. A thoroughly modern and user-friendly precision instrument.