ICCD cameras combine an intensifier tube, output phosphor, with a readout sensor. Electronic gain can be applied to the intensifier to overcome the read noise limit, similar to an EMCCD. The added benefit of the intensifier is very fast gating ability for high temporal resolution; in the 100’s of ps. This makes and ICCD ideal for repeatable, short-lived applications such as plasma studies, fusion reactions, LIBS, neutron radiography, combustion and FLIM.
The output from the phosphor screen is either lens or fiber coupled to the readout sensor. Fiber coupling has the advantage of greater efficiency and a more compact design.
The quantum efficiency of the ICCD is largely determined by the photocathode material with Gen II and Gen III intensifiers suitable from the UV to the NIR.
The readout sensor can be a front-illuminated interline or full-frame CCD. Recent advances in design have led to a back-illuminated EMCCD as the readout sensor. Combing the ICCD and EM gain delivers unprecedented single-photon sensitive in an emICCD.
The ICCD is generally the most complex scientific imaging camera. Contact our local experts for helpful advice.