FLIR A6750sc Cooled SLS LWIR Scientific-Grade Thermal Camera
LWIR 7.5-10.5µm camera with high-resolution Strained Layer Superlattice (SLS) detector. Full resolution 125 Hz, 480ns exposure time.
The FLIR A6750sc SLS is a high sensitivity full-resolution thermal camera 640 x 512 pixels. The affordable FLIR A6750sc SLS is the entry to cooled LWIR high performance thermal cameras, ideal for high-speed thermal events and fast-moving targets.
The FLIR A6750sc SLS is a full-resolution thermal camera with high sensitivity; an affordable, flexible solution for real-time thermal imaging. The FLIR A6750sc SLS is the entry to cooled LWIR high performance thermal cameras.
Two f/# versions are available with a large choice of lenses and extension rings, the A6750sc SLS is a versatile camera for all your thermal imaging needs. Cooled, SLS based thermal cameras have inherently shorter integration times for a given temperature range than their MWIR counterparts, making them ideal for high-speed thermal events and fast-moving targets.
The internal interchangeable filters makes it easy to change either user or factory calibration ranges.
Detector Type
Strained Layer Superlattice (SLS)
Dynamic Range
Integration Time
480ns- 687 seconds
Standard Temperature Range
-20°C to 650°C
Optional Temperature Range
up to 3000°C
Spectral Range
7.5-10.5 µm
Detector Pitch
15 µm
640 x 512 pixels
Sensor Cooling
Closed cycle rotary
Frame Rate (Full Resolution)
125 fps
f/2.5 or f/4.0
Close up Lenses/ Microscope
With extension rings
Image Time Stamp
Internal clock time stamp
Readout Type
Readout Modes
Asynchronous integrate while read Asynchronous integrate then read