Ultra-compact, light-weight integrated Ultra Violet (UV)/Visible (VIS)/Near-Infrared (NIR) tunable laser system. Access to the entire tuning range without changing configurations.
Tuning Range
410 – 2200 nm
210 – 2200 nm (w/ UV option)
Peak OPO Energy
9 mJ @ 450 nm
2 mJ @ 320 nm (UV option)

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Opolette 355 LD

The Opolette tunable laser series utilizes optical parametric oscillator (OPO) technology to generate wavelengths over a broad range in the UV, VIS and IR. Designed for portability, the entire laserhead fits into a 7×12” footprint and ships completely sealed to protect optical components from the environment. Requiring no installation, the system includes verification hardware to check alignment after shipping or relocation. All tunable beams exit the system from the same port resulting in one beam path to the end user’s application. Wavelength tuning is motorized and computer-controlled.

Product Features

  • Hermetically sealed, light-weight, compact tunable laser system
  • Integrated pump laser with quick connect cables
  • End-user replaceable flashlamp (50 million shot lifetime) and DI cartridge
  • All tunable wavelengths output from a single port
  • Alignment verification
  • Computer-controlled tuning via control software/software development kit (SDK)
  • Flashlamp and/or Q-Switch external triggering
  • Temperature controlled, motorized Harmonic(s) (MH)
  • Real-time wavelength monitoring (WM)
  • Harmonic Auto-Optimization (HAO)
  • Access to residual beams
  • WARRANTY: One year on the entire system. Includes all options except fibers.

Product Options

  • Extended UV Tuning Range (UV)
    Extends tuning range to 210 – 410 nm. Decreases OPO by about 20%
  • External Motorized Variable Attenuator (eMVA)
    End-user installable/removable. Reduces max OPO by 10-15% when installed. Computer-controlled. Can only be used with visible and near-infrared wavelengths.
  • Fiber Delivery Kit (FD)
    Can be optimized for either ultra-violet (UV), visible (VIS), or near-infrared (NIR) tuning ranges.
    Externally mounted fiber delivery kit includes mounts, coupling lens and fiber. Fiber specifications: 2.5 m long, 1 mm diameter core, NA = 0.22
  • Protective Hard Shell Cases (PHSC)
    Includes two protective hard cases with custom foam padding.
  • Extended Warranty (EXW)
    Extends full system warranty for one additional year, for a total of two years. Includes all options except for fibers.


Opolette HE 355 LD

Tuning Range 410 – 2200 nm
Peak Energy 9 mJ @ 450 nm
Repetition Rate 20 Hz
Pulse Width 5 – 7 ns
Beam Diameter 4 mm
Divergence 2 mrad


Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is an application used to identify molecules within a sample by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. There are three components of mass spectroscopy: ionizing, analyzing, and detecting.

A sample is ionized and then ions are accelerated and sent through an electric and magnetic field, which affects speed and trajectory. The magnitude at which an ion changes trajectory depends on the mass-to-charge ratio. Ions with the same ratio will be deflected in the same amount.

The differences in mass-to-charge ratio allows a mass analyzer to sort the ions, and results are displayed as spectra of the relative abundance of the detected ions, based on the mass-to-charge ratio. Components of the sample are identified by correlating known masses of substances to the masses identified in the sample or through fragmentation pattern.

Lasers are used in two different ways in mass spectrometry.  They are used to vaporize the sample and to ionize it.

Two-step laser mass spectrometry (L2MS) requires two steps using two different laser pulses.  In the first step, a pulsed infrared laser is focused on the sample to cause rapid heating and desorption of molecules in the sample.  In the second step, a pulse ultraviolet laser causes ionization of the desorbed molecules.  The molecules are then analyzed.  In this method, desorption and ionization are independently tunable.  This allows trace amounts of organic molecules to be detected in complex materials.

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) uses one step and one laser pulse to both vaporize and ionize the sample.  Before starting, the sample is mixed into a laser energy absorbing matrix material.  A pulsed laser triggers ablation and desorption of the sample and the matrix material.  Molecules are ionized in the hot plume of ablated gases and then analyzed.

Contact us for assistance in selecting the appropriate system for your mass spectrometry application.



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