Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements

Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements for the Government of Canada

Laboratory and Scientific Equipment, Instruments, Supplies, Accessories and Services

We’re proud and excited to announce that DELTA PHOTONICS is the first company in Canada to be awarded a new supply arrangement. Federal Government customers can now purchase lasers, spectrometers, scientific cameras, microscopes, thermal cameras and more directly from Delta Photonics under the new Supply Arrangement.

Read more about SOSA Contract Procedures or Download the Contract Procedures PDF document  

UNSPSC Categories and Brands Available

Light and wave generating and measuring equipment / Équipements de génération et de mesure de lumière et d’ondes
Thorlabs, Princeton Instruments, Avantes, FLIR, Edinburgh Instruments, Applied Photophysics, Osela, Photonics Industries, Opotek, New Imaging Technologies, CNI lasers, Neo Spectra, Gamma Scientific

Chemical evaluation instruments and supplies / Instruments et fournitures pour l’évaluation chimique
Edinburgh Instruments, Protein Stable

Fluid mechanics equipment / Équipements de mécanique des fluids
Vision Research

Viewing and observing instruments and accessories / Instruments d’examen et d’observation et accessoires
Thorlabs, Edinburgh Instruments, Nanonics

Transducers / Transducteurs
Cedrat Technologies

Temperature and heat measuring instruments / Instruments de mesure de la chaleur et de la temperature

Electronic and communication measuring and testing instruments / Instruments de mesure et de contrôle pour l’électronique et les communications


DELTA PHOTONICS INC. Supply Arrangement Number: E60PV-19EQUI/001/PV
Access the SOSA App to view standing offers and supply arrangements.

Read more about SOSA Contract Procedures or Download the Contract Procedures PDF document  
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